If you are having any issues uploading your lease document to the site, please send an email to upload@leasewisely.com and we’ll take care of it for you. Please give us approximately 24 hours to respond and then we’ll get you on the path to empowered renting!
It is important that you upload the full lease document in one cohesive file so Homey can analyze all the necessary information and provide accurate responses. The best way to determine if you should include it: “If you sign it, combine it!” This may include any addendums or additional documents you may have been provided during the leasing process. For an easy to follow tool, you can visit combinepdf.com or just email your documents to upload@leasewisely.com and we’ll make sure everything gets entered for you.
You can load up to three (3) leases into the LeaseWisely platform. We’d like to give you the flexibility to review past, present, and future leases or maybe even 3 possible future leases. If you would like to delete a lease, please email us at contact@leasewisely.com and let us know which lease(s) to delete and the reason(s) for your deletion request.
Translating the LeaseWisely platform and your lease information into your preferred language is only a few clicks away when using most popular web browsers. For Google Chrome, select the three dots at the top right of the browser, click Translate and choose your language. For Apple Safari, click the Translate button, then choose your language.
Absolutely nothing! Our objective is to keep these tools FREE for any resident that needs them. We ask that you spread the word, share with your leasing friends, and frequent our preferred partners when appropriate.
Nope! LeaseWisely is and will always be TENANT-FIRST! That means we won't let your landlord know you are using our product and will not sell or share your infomation with third-parties unless you give us permission.
Homey is pretty awesome but he can make a few mistakes. If you notice anything that seems inaccurate or like an error, please email us a description of the error at contact@leasewisely.com. Please allow one business day for a response.
If you do need to update your profile information or change your password, you can click your profile icon at the top right of the site, choose “manage account” and choose the proper field or header. If you continue to have issues or questions, please reach out to us with an email to contact@leasewisely.com.
Join thousands of empowered tenants who are making informed decisions about their journey. Our tools are free and designed to support you along the way.
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